Legislative Day
Each Spring, the SELPA Administrators of California organizes a Legislative Sharing Day at the State Capitol in Sacramento. SELPA leaders, parents of students with disabilities, and other special education leaders meet with legislators and staffers to deliver messaging around certain key issues, and frame these issues around how they impact the day to day for students, educators, and families. As part of Legislative Sharing Day, special seminars are hosted and particular legislative staff are presented with special recognition for their particular collaborations with the SELPA Administrators of California and/or the Coalition for Adequate Funding for Special Education.
For the past two years, Cindy Rolon and her daughter, Alisha Melgoza traveled to Sacramento to attend Legislative Sharing Day. Cindy and Alisha shared their inspiring story with assembly members Ana Caballero and Dr. Joaquin Arambula, reflecting on their journey in public education while on an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Cindy Rolon has been a long time member of the Fresno County SELPA CAC and an advocate for special education students.