Frequently Asked Questions

In addition to the following FAQs, you are always welcome to contact Eddie Davidson, Director of Fiscal Student Services, at (559) 265-3047 or

When is the Special Education Pupil Count available for the year? 
Answer: The Special Education Pupil Count availability is driven by the CALPADS Calendar here. Typically, the Census Day (Fall 1) data for the year is available near the same time as P-1 ADA for the year. It is certified by LEAs around the middle of December of that year, with an Amendment window up to the end of January.

Is Special Education one of the Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) participating programs?
Answer: Special Education is not one of the FPM participating programs. Please refer to the Focused Monitoring and Technical Assistance (FMTA) office, which is part of the Quality Assurance Process of the Special Education office for information about Special Education monitoring. 

How do I get the ADA, the unduplicated count, and the enrollment for our students that are enrolled in the County Operated Programs for Special Education? 
Answer: The Fresno County SELPA provides both the ADA and the Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC) on each Member LEA's Funding Allocation Sheets. Additionally, the SELPA provides this ADA by grade span to each Member LEA by email. The UPC, however, is not available by grade span. Unfortunately, the enrollment count is not available by each Member LEA. However, the enrollment count can be provided by the Member LEA's CALPADS district contact. Additionally, CDE provides a "Report of Attendance and CALPADS Enrollment/Unduplicated Pupil Count Transfers for District Funded County Program Students" within the Principal Apportionment section of its website. 

Why do FCSS transactions vary so much among its departments? Some departments charge by way of an invoice, some are by transfer. And some transfers charge out of the suspense account where others use a specific account code. 
Answer: The Fresno County Superintendent of Schools provides a wide range of services that include oversight and compliance, funding allocation, instructional services, early education and other support services. As a result of different funding and operations requirements, each services contract will be unique to the needs of the school and to the FCSS department (i.e. Migrant Education, Special Education, Pupil Personnel Services, etc.) Therefore, not all contracts and transactions will be the same. It depends on the contract.  

How does the State Special Schools funding work? 
Answer: Please see the following website here.

What is the definition of "severe"?
Answer: According to California Education Code Section 8205(s), “'Children with severe disabilities' are children with exceptional needs from birth to 21 years of age, inclusive, who require intensive instruction and training in programs serving pupils with the following profound disabilities: autism, blindness, deafness, severe orthopedic impairments, serious emotional disturbances, or severe intellectual disabilities. 'Children with severe disabilities' also include those individuals who would have been eligible for enrollment in a developmental center for handicapped pupils under Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 56800) of Part 30 of Division 4 of Title 2 as it read on January 1, 1980."

What is the special education proration factor and how does it impact my district?
Answer: Please see the following website here.

One of my employees is split-coded between our State special education funds and our Federal IDEA funds. Can the employee complete a semi-annual time sheet instead of a monthly personnel activity report? 
Answer: See the scenario provided on the Time Accounting webpage here.