Weighted Voting System

LEAs shall receive one vote for every one-hundred (100) Average Daily Attendance (ADA) rounded to the nearest whole vote. LEAs with less than 100 ADA shall receive a minimum of one vote. ADA used shall be the most current AB 602 P-2 ADA State certification available. When voting, each LEA must cast its entire allocation as one vote. A quorum exists when SGC members representing a majority of the LEAs and votes are present. Upon establishment of a quorum, action will be decided by majority vote of members present, except in circumstances where state or federal mandates require a unanimous vote.

Weighted Voting System - 2022-23

Past Weighted Votes
Weighted Voting System - 2021-22
Weighted Voting System - 2020-21
Weighted Voting System - 2019-20
Weighted Voting System - 2018-19
Weighted Voting System - 2017-18